Twitch Shark

Rename the shark based on the active chatters in your twitch chat


Version 1.8.0LatestUp to date

Bug Fixes

  • preventing the same name being chosen twice in a row


  • multi-stream support for a combined shark pool

Released on 2022-07-23

Version 1.7.5Up to date

Bug Fixes

  • fixed the intermittent key error

Released on 2022-07-21

Version 1.7.4Up to date

Bug Fixes

  • names will now not suddenly time out if they are active in chat

Released on 2022-07-12

Version 1.7.3Up to date

Bug Fixes

  • fixed the underwater nameplate rendering
  • fixed the colors not working for clients

Released on 2022-07-07

Version 1.7.2Up to date

Bug Fixes

  • fixing the name rendering slightly. still not perfect
  • updated the default shark name to be a bit more explicit

Released on 2022-07-06

Version 1.7.1Up to date

Bug Fixes

  • fixed the multiplayer chat spam on shark attacks. No death message for now

Released on 2022-07-05

Version 1.7.0Up to date

Bug Fixes

  • clarified the purpose of the reconnect button
  • removed some log spam


  • added a Clear Entries button to the settings
  • added the ability to set a timeout for entries

Released on 2022-07-04

Version 1.6.2Up to date

Bug Fixes

  • added a debug option to see raw messages if needed. Enable it in the Settings and then check the F10 logs.
  • added version to the mod string

Released on 2022-07-03

Version 1.6.1Up to date

Bug Fixes

  • fixed the chat issues. Thanks to Inzaynia's mods for reporting the issue <3

Released on 2022-07-03

Version 1.6.0Up to date

1.6.0 (2022-07-03)

Bug Fixes

  • fixed the client experience in multiplayer


  • added a reconnect button to the settings page
  • added twitch color support

Released on 2022-07-03

Version 1.5.0Up to date


  • added twitch commands for black and whitelisting (!noshark <username> and !allowshark <username>)
  • the bot user is excluded from entering the pool
  • added compatibility with Crowd Control

Bug Fixes

  • fixed the endless notification for the connecting state

Released on 2022-07-02

Version 1.2.0Up to date


  • added notifications and reconnection on the change of settings (ed99f08)

Released on 2022-07-01

Version 1.1.9Up to date

Bug Fixes

  • fixed a typo in the code (11af282)
  • fixed the loading issue (98bc7d3)

Released on 2022-07-01

Version 1.1.8Up to date
  • Reduced the filesize
  • Fixed the versioning

Released on 2022-07-01

Version 1.1.0Up to date

Twitch Shark Changelog

1.1.0 (2022-07-01)


  • added the mod updater version link (da96b88)

1.0.1 (2022-07-01)

Bug Fixes

1.0.0 (2022-07-01)

Bug Fixes


Released on 2022-07-01

Version v1.0.1Up to date

This is the first version.

Released on 2022-07-01