
Adds a variety of aquariums to the game


Version 1.0.7LatestUp to date
  • Additional Compatibility Fix

Released on 2023-12-09

Version 1.0.6Up to date
  • Fixed an incompatibility with the More Building mod

Released on 2023-12-07

Version 1.0.5Up to date
  • Fixed errors occuring when fishing without using bait

Released on 2023-05-20

Version 1.0.4Up to date
  • Fixed Stingrays not appearing in the aquariums

Released on 2023-05-17

Version 1.0.3Up to date
  • Added Fish Bowls, smaller aquariums that can be placed on tables and such but can only contain one tiny fish
  • Corrected the fish sizes: Herring was Small and was supposed to be Tiny; Tilapia was Tiny and was supposed to be Small
  • Fixed a slight mistake on the aquarium models
  • Fixed the fish names displayed in the max aquarium capacity warnings in the console
  • Split the Aquarium crafting recipes into 2 categories: Cylinder and Box

Released on 2023-05-17

Version 1.0.0Up to date

This is the first version.

Released on 2023-05-16