Biofuel Yoinker

Allows you to take out fuels from tanks!


banner for the Biofuel Yoinker mod

Allows you to take out fuels from tanks, It is highly recommended to use Extra Settings API To configure the Extraction rules, or you could use the commands:


-toggleMotorTank: When active, Allows extraction of the default fuel out of the Engine & Battery Charger.

-toggleFuelTank: When active, Allows extraction of the default fuel out of Fuel Tanks.

-toggleHoneyTank: When Active, Allows extraction of the default fuel out of the Composter's Honey Tank.

-toggleCompostTank: When active, Allows extraction of the default fuel out of the Composter's Composting Tank.

Special thanks to: cat_meow3 on Discord for suggesting this, and to franzfischer, aidanamite, fynikoto for helping me make the mod on Discord!

Description last changed on 2024-03-04